Health and Safety is an integral and essential part of the way we conduct our business.

Too often, construction can have a negative impact on local people and their environment which is why we are firmly committed to managing operations in a way that minimizes any negative impact.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Nyanza Road Works Ltd has a firm and explicit commitment to fulfilling its responsibilities to stakeholders.

The long-term success of our business depends on us fulfilling these responsibilities, while continuing to deliver profit through applying our expertise.

To support and empower the people. We try and provide employment to the local communities around project locality. Upon completion of projects the existing boreholes and amps complete with electrical connections have been donated to the local villages.

Promoters of NRWL have heavily been involved in assisting the schools and hospitals throughout Tanzania. Support provided as been both financial and personal – providing their time along with their extensive resources of plant and equipment.

We Support BAPS Charities Tanzania, BAPS Temple, Sikh Temple Mwanza, , Hindu Council of Tanzania, Hindu Union Hospital Mwanza, Lake Secondary School Mwanza, Chingongwe Primary School Dodoma, Iyumbu Primary School Dodoma, Tanzania Police Force Mwanza, Watoto wa Africa orphanage


Health Safety and Environmental Conservation

NRWL is committed to excel in HSE management and conduct all activities in a responsible manner, free from recognized hazards.

To protect the health and safety of everyone involved in or affected by our operations. We are committed to providing a safe place of work for everyone and strive to ensure all our employees and partners understand their role in maintaining high safety standards.

Our commitment to health and safety was recognized as we continually receive Certificate of Compliance by OSHA (TZ) for all our major construction sites including permanent regional site offices.

Finally, to minimize the negative impacts of our operations and maximize the quality of the built environment for future generations. As a caring business we strive to continuously improve our environmental performance and maximize on opportunities to work as a team with our people, partners, customers and public to create a better environment for all.

NRWL is committed to being a compliant and responsible employer and a socially aware corporate citizen in the countries where we operate.

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